segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015

Question tags

São perguntas feitas ao final de uma frase para checar uma informação.

Se a frase é afirmativa, a question tag é negativa, e vice- versa.

As question tags são formadas por verbos e pronomes – nunca podemos usar nomes.

È preciso identificar primeiro o verbo da frase, e em seguida o sujeito
. Ex.: João(sujeito) is (verbo) your friend, isn’t he?

Verbo To Be:

  He is fine, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ISN’T HE?  
  You are here, AREN’T YOU?  
  I am a teacher, AREN’T I?

  I wasn’t at home, WAS I?   
       They weren’t  there , WERE YOU?

Simple Present:

You like chocolate,DON’T YOU?   ( quando o verbo não tem –s no final, usamos don’t )

The dog barks all night, DOESN’T IT? (quando o verbo  tem –s no final, usamos doesn’t)

Ted doesn’t study,DOES HE?

Simple Past: com verbos regulares e irregulares usamos didn’t.

We danced,DIDN’T WE?

You went to Rio, DIDN’T YOU ?

She didn’t travel, DID SHE?

Simple Future  will/won´t

You’ll travel, WON’T YOU?   

 He won’t eat pizza, WILL HE?

Present Perfect   have/has    haven’t / hasn’t

You have seen her, HAVEN’T YOU?   

She hasn’t been here, HAS HE?

Casos especiais:

I am =  aren´t I  ?              Ex.: I am the teacher, aren´t I?

Imperativo  = will you        Ex.: Close the door, will you?

Let’s = shall we                 Ex.: Let’s see the game, shall we?

This/that + verbo = verbo auxiliar + it      
 Ex.: This is easy, isn’t it?

These / those  + verbo  =  verbo auxiliar + they       
Ex.: These people look familiar, don’t they?

 Indefinites = auxiliar do plural                              
  Ex.: Everybody   loves Chris, don’t they?      

Complete the sentences with the appropriate tag question:

a) There are a few foreign students in your class, AREN’T THERE?
b) Pam’s just sent the application letter, HASN’T SHE ?
c) Ed didn’t pass his final exam, DID HE?
d) You were out when I called you, WEREN’T YOU?
e) You don’t drink milk, DO YOU?
f) Molly’s ill, ISN’T SHE?
g) Jen and Mick will visit us next week, WON’T THEY?
h) You’ve never been abroad, HAVE YOU?
i) Bill isn’t single,IS HE?
j) Let’s look up some information on the biology project, SHALL WE?
k) There isn’t a computer in the classroom, IS THERE?
l) They don’t come here very often, DO YOU?
m) You couldn’t write when you were there, COULD YOU?
n) Jack’s brother works in the Town Hall, DOESN’T HE?
o) Luke can play the violin, CAN’T HE?
p) The kids aren’t doing their homework, ARE THEY?
q) I’m better at math than Sue, AREN’T I?
r ) You'd rather I kept quiet about it, WOULDN'T YOU?
S)  Your grandchildren live in England, DON'T THEY?
                                                                                                                                          Adapted from:

 Exercises to practice online:

segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2015

Música trabalhada na última aula de hoje: identificação de erros gramaticais ( permitidos em letras de música) e compreensão de vocabulário.
Este é o vídeo original. A letra está abaixo.Enjoy!!

Am I Wrong

Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
Am I wrong for saying that I choose another way?
I ain't trying to do what everybody else doing
Just cause everybody doing what they all do
If one thing I know, I'll fall but I'll grow
I'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home
So am I wrong?
For thinking that we could be something for real?
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
But that's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
Am I tripping for having a vision?
My prediction, I'ma be on the top of the world
Walk your walk and don't look back, always do what you decide
Don't let them control your life, that's just how I feel
Fight for yours and don't let go, don't let them compare you, no
Don't worry, you're not alone, that's just how we feel
Am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For thinking that we could be something for real?
(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)
But that's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right, right
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right, right
If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
I don't wanna be right
Am I wrong?
For thinking that we could be something for real?
Now am I wrong?
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
But that's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see
So am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For thinking that we could be something for real?
(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)
But that's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
That's just how I feel
Trying to reach the things that I can't see

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

Modal Verbs


Usamos CAN  para:

a) Habilidade ou não
He CAN play the guitar very well.
She CAN’T  play the piano.

b)Pedir permissão
Can I use your pen please?

c) Pedido
Can you help me with my homework?


Usamos COULD  para:

a) Pedir permissão ( mais formal)
Could I use your pen?

b) Pedido ( mais formal)
Could you pass me the salad, please?

c) Sugestão
We could go to the movies tonight.

d) Possibilidade futura
We could have another storm soon...

 e)Habilidade passada
John could speak English and Spanish when he was little.

f) Impossibilidade (passada)
She couldn’t come to school yesterday because she was sick.

Equivale ao futuro de CAN ( HABILIDADE)
Ex.: The baby WILL BE ABLE TO walk soon.

CANNOT (CAN’T)                  COULDN’T                        WON’T BE ABLE TO

 Usamos MAY para:

a) Pedir permissão ( formal)
May I have some more ice cream?

b) Possibilidade futura
I may go swimming this afternoon.

Equivale ao Passado ou Condicional de may.

Ex.: She said she MIGHT be back for dinner.
       Ela disse que poderia voltar para o jantar.

a) Geralmente indica menor probabilidade.
Ex.: They might go to the movies.

b) Apesar de ser um verbo,  podemos traduzir might como advérbio: TALVEZ

c) May/might + have + past participle
Indica que algo pode / poderia ter ocorrido

Peter may have gone to the church because it’s Sunday. (Ele poderia ter ido à igreja porque é domingo)
The  soup tasted awful because the cook might have used sugar instead of salt.( A sopa está horrível porque o cozinheiro  poderia ter usado açúcar ao invés de sal )

d) Formas negativas: may not , might not
Não existe short form.

Usamos must/ have to para:
a) Certeza
This must be (have to be) the right address!

b) Necessidade / obrigação
Students  must pass (have to pass) the entrance exam to study at this school.

c) Forte recomendação
You have a temperature. You must take the medicine.

d) Dedução
The lights are on, so they must be home 

Had to
 indica obrigação, necessidade no passado
The baby had to go to the doctor. She was ill.

Must have + past participle indica que algo deve ter ocorrido.
The kids are happy. Their team must have won.
As crianças estão felizes. O time delas deve ter vencido.

  Will have to = futuro de MUST
In the future you will have to make a living as a teacher.

Formas negativas:
Must not indica proibição : Students must not cheat on tests.
Need not/ don’t have to indicam “não obrigação, não necessidade”

Usamos should/ought to para:
a) Dar conselhos.
You should ( ought to) eat fruit and vegetables every day.

b) Previsão incerta
The number of homeless people should increase next year.

c) Condition:
Should ( If) you need any help, call me.

Should / ought to + have + past participle
Indica que algo deveria ter ocorrido, mas não ocorreu.
He should have paid his bills.

Formas negativas:    Shouldn’t                                                        ought not to
Can ( presente) : habilidade, permissão, pedido
Could  ( passado): permissão, pedido, sugestão, possibilidade, impossibilidade. habilidade passada
Will be able to (futuro)- habilidade

May  permissão ( formal) / possibilidade futura
Might  Passado/condicional de may            Menor probabilidade ( talvez)
May/might have + particípio: poderia ter ocorrido ( guessing)

Must / have to ( presente)  Certeza, obrigação, necessidade, recomendação, dedução
Mustn’t  Proibição
Needn’t / don’t have to  não necessidade / não obrigação
Had to  ( passado)
Will have to ( futuro)
Must + have + participio : algo deve ter ocorrido

domingo, 14 de junho de 2015

Gabarito: 17 C  18 C   19 B   20 A   21 B
sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2015
segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 2015

At last, a challenge to the impunity of FIFA
The arrest of officials should be the first stage in a thorough cleansing1 of a discredited organization

May 30th 2015 | From the print edition

FEW arrests can have provoked such Schadenfreude2 as those of seven senior officials of FIFA, football’s world governing body, early on May 27th at a Swiss hotel. The arrests are part of a wide-ranging investigation by America’s FBI into corruption at FIFA, dating back over two decades. The indictment3 from the Department of Justice named 14 people on charges including racketeering4, wire fraud5 and paying bribes6 worth more than $150m. They are likely to face charges7 in a US federal court.
 As more people start talking in a bid to sauve qui peut,8 the investigation will with luck reach into every dark and dank9 corner of FIFA’s Zurich headquarters (see article).
American extraterritorial jurisdiction is often excessive in its zeal and overbearing10 in its methods, but in this instance it deserves the gratitude of football fans everywhere. The hope must be that FIFA’s impunity is at last brought to an end and with it the career of the ineffably complacent Sepp Blatter, its 79-year-old president, who was nonetheless11 expected to be re-elected for a fifth term after The Economist had gone to print.
The evidence of systemic corruption at FIFA has been accumulating for years, but came to a head in 2010 with the bidding12 for two World Cups. When the right to hold the competition in 2022 was won by tiny, bakingly hot Qatar, against the strong advice of FIFA’s own technical committee, suspicions that votes had been bought were immediately aroused.13 Thanks to two female whistleblowers14 and the diligent investigative work of the Sunday Times, a wealth of damning evidence was unearthed15 involving a Qatari FIFA official, Mohamed bin Hammam, who allegedly wooed16 football bigwigs17 in Africa with a $5m slush fund.18
Under pressure, Mr Blatter eventually agreed to set up a FIFA “ethics court”. He also appointed Michael Garcia, the American lawyer who helped oust19 Eliot Spitzer from the position of New York governor, to investigate the allegations of vote-rigging20 and kickbacks21. Incredibly, Mr Garcia, who spent more than a year looking into the allegations, never interviewed Mr bin Hammam or examined the trove of e-mails acquired by the Sunday Times. Only a summary version of his report, itself condemned by the investigator as “erroneous representations of the facts and conclusions”, was ever published. Mr Garcia resigned and Mr Blatter sailed serenely on, reneging on a commitment not to stand for election again. The idea that a clearly tainted22 World Cup bidding process should be reopened was firmly squashed23.
The underlying problem at FIFA is that it controls television and marketing rights (worth $4 billion at last year’s World Cup in Brazil), which can be used by those in power to win the loyalty of football federations from poor countries, particularly in Africa. Corruption is tolerated, as long as the money is spread around. Critics of FIFA are dismissed24 as bad losers and racists.
The language it understands
Even now, there is no certainty that FIFA will embrace reform. The initial test of its willingness to clean house should be the replacement of Mr Blatter with someone who can be trusted with that mission, which must begin with reopening the bidding for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups under conditions of complete transparency. If nothing changes, others must act. UEFA, European football’s umbrella organization, should leave FIFA and take its teams out of the World Cup. Europe’s broadcasters25 should decline to bid for rights. And FIFA’s biggest sponsors—the likes of Adidas, Coca-Cola, Visa and Hyundai—should realize that association with it risks damaging their brands. They must hit the organization where it hurts most: in its bulging wallet26. Until now the stench27 from FIFA has prompted people to do nothing more than hold their noses. That is no longer an option.

1 – limpeza completa           
2 – alegria               
3 – acusação               
4 – extorsão     
5 – fraude eletrônica           
6 – suborno           
7 – acusações             
8 – cada um por si
9 -  frio e úmido                      
10 – autoritários    
11 – no entanto            
12 – licitações
13 – despertado                     
14 – denunciante   
15 – descoberta           
16 - cortejou 
17 – figurões                           
18 – verba para suborno                             
19 - expulsar
20 – fraude eleitoral                
21 – propinas         
22 – corrupto                
23 – esmagado
24 – demitidos                          
25 – comentaristas                                       
26 – carteiras lotadas de dinheiro                                  
27 – mau cheiro|hig|28-05-2015|LA

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Verinha Giunta
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