domingo, 27 de setembro de 2015
There are many superlatives to describe the September 27-28, 2015 full moon. It’s the biggest, closest and brightest supermoon of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, this full moon enjoys the title of Harvest Moon. Last but hardly least, this supermoon will feature a total eclipse of the moon, visible on the night of September 27-28 from the Americas, the Atlantic, Greenland, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
This post focuses on closest supermoon aspect of this fascinating, upcoming full moon. 
The moon will reach the crest of its full phase on September 28, 2015 at 2:51 UTC. At North American’ time zones, the moon will turn full on September 27 at 11:51 p.m. ADT, 10:51 p.m. EDT, 9:51 p.m. CDT, 8:51 p.m. MDT, 7:51 p.m. PDT.
It’ll reach perigee – the moon’s closest point to Earth for this month – within an hour of that time. Thus it’s the closest full moon of the year, and appears largest (to extremely careful observers) and brightest in our sky. This happens to be the moon’s closest encounter with Earth for all of 2015, period. The moon won’t be so close to Earth again until the full moon of November 14, 2016.
We astronomers call this sort of close full moon a perigee full moon. The word perigee describes the moon’s closest point to Earth for any given month. Four years ago, when the closest and largest full moon fell on March 19, 2011, many used the term supermoon, which we’d never heard before. In the following years, we heard this term again to describe the year’s closest full moon on May 6, 2012, and again on June 23, 2013 and yet again on August 10, 2014.
Now the term supermoon is being used a lot. Last month’s full moon – on August 29, 2015 – was also a supermoon. But the September full moon is even more super! In other words, the time of full moon falls even closer to the time of the moon’s closest point to Earth.

segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2015
Apostila 14
Vocabulary: pages 8, 16, 23
Grammar: Folha de explicação "GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES"
 Pages: 14 ( ex. 2); 17 ( ex. 3); 19 ( ex. 3)
 Pages 26,27,28 ( ex. 2), 29 ( ex. 3), 32(ex. 3)


1 - Birth rate : taxa de natalidade
2 - Seed drill: máquina de semear
3 - Livestock: pecuária
4 - mud
5 - produção
6 - fileiras
7 - vapor ( steam)
8 - obrigatório
9 - financiar
10 - moinhos; fábricas
11 - minério
14 - salário

2 – Grammar:
A – Gerunds and infinitives ( folha feita em sala)
Complete as informações:
a) Gerunds  ( -ING) podem ser usados como SUJEITO, como OBJETO, após PREPOSIÇÕES.
b) Infinitives podem ser usados como SUJEITO, como OBJETO, após ADJETIVOS e para explicar O PROPÓSITO DE UMA AÇÃO.
c) Help pode ser usado no infinitivo COM ou SEM TO.
d) Não usamos to após MODAIS ( CAN, COULD, MUST, SHOULD...)

B - Complete com o verbo no infinitivo ou no gerúndio:
1. I don’t mind DOING the washing up. (do)
 2. Irregular verbs are not easy TO REMEMBER . (remember)
 3. Mathew is really good at COOKING . (cook)
4. She waited TO BUY a movie ticket. (buy)
 5. The doctor encouraged his patients TO EAT healthy food. (eat)
 6. My flat is easy TO FIND . (find)

7. She is interested in BECOMIMG a doctor. (become)
8. He is saving moneyTO BUY a new car. (buy)
9. When I met her I couldn’t help HUGGING her. (hug)
10. My favorite hobby is COOKING. (cook)
11. My father helped me DO  / TO DO my homework. (do)
12. I’m sick of EATING hamburgers every day. (eat)
13. It is important TO SURF the net for more information. (surf)
14. She advised me TO SEE a doctor as soon as possible. (see)
15. We were all happy about CELEBRATING the New Year in Vienna. (celebrate)
16. It seems difficult TO KNOW everything about the topic. (know)
17. Just avoid MAKING unnecessary mistakes. (make)
18. Can you imagine FINISHING  my car before we leave? (finish)

C – Explique a diferença de sentido entre os pares de orações abaixo:
·         She stopped smoking      X   She stopped to smoke
·         The boy forgot putting away his bike  X  The boy forgot to put away his bike.
B - Prepositions
1 - Put in the correct TIME preposition (at, in, on):
1.Lucy is arriving ON February the 13th AT 8 o'clock IN the morning.
2.The weather is often terrible in London IN January.
3.It’s better to get a taxi if you are out alone AT night.
4.She got married IN  September..
5.They usually go to the south of France in the summer.
6.Columbus sailed to the Americas IN the 16th century.
7.The Beatles were popular IN the 1960s.
8.I graduated from university IN 2001.
9.His birthday is IN June.
10. I usually go to my parents’ house AT Christmas. We eat turkey together ON Christmas Day.

Put in the correct Place Prepositions: ( in / on / at )
1. The wine is IN the bottle.
2. Pass me the dictionary, it's ON the bookshelf.
3. Jennifer is AT work.
4. Berlin is IN Germany.
5. You have something ON your face.
6. Turn left AT the traffic lights.
7. She was listening to classical music ON the radio.
8. He has a house ON the river.
9. The answer is AT the bottom of the page.
10. Julie will be ONhe plane now.

Estude pelas folhas e pela apostila.

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2015
QUESTÃO 41: Resposta A
 No cartum, as personagens falam sobre o antigo hábito das crianças de montarem stands (barracas) para vender limonada, deixando claro que não mais veem tais barracas no bairro. A pergunta seguinte é “o que se- PROVA GERAL — P-6 TIPO M-8 — 09/2015 9 rá que as substituiu?”. Em seguida, no terceiro quadrinho, vê-se uma barraca oferecendo ajuda psiquiátrica, e no quarto, a resposta de Charlie Brown, “now you know – agora você sabe”, levando-se à inferência de que as barracas de limonada (bebidas/beverages) foram substituídas por aquelas.

QUESTÃO 42: Resposta D
 Os textos tratam de criações tecnológicas e negócios de jovens empreendedores (afirmativa I). As informações contidas nas afirmações II e V podem ser confirmadas nos textos sobre Stacey Ferreira e Nick D’aloisio, respectivamente. 

QUESTÃO 43: Resposta E
 A resposta depende da compreensão geral de todos os textos utilizados, porém uma atenção à fonte de tais textos ( pode direcionar à resposta mais provável, bem como a introdução de cada texto, que informa o nome, a função e a idade de cada empreendedor. Algumas afirmativas não trazem a informação como contida nos textos (Ex: B – nem todas as invenções são apps; C – analisar algumas das melhores invenções relacionadas à tecnologia não é verdadeira, pois o texto fala de criações contemporâneas apenas).

QUESTÃO 44: Resposta D
O texto informativo, uma notícia veiculada pela internet, tem como objetivo principal informar sobre as enchentes no estado do Acre no início do mês de março, 2015 e suas consequências, principalmente para a população local, o que pode ser constatado no primeiro parágrafo (The number of people affected by the record-high flood in the Acre River in the northern Brazilian state of Acre reached 87,000, local authorities said Wednesday. Portanto o título mais adequado está na alternativa D: Enchente afeta a população no norte do Brasil.

QUESTÃO 45: Resposta C
 O texto informa sobre as enchentes no estado do Acre no início do mês de março, 2015, suas consequências e as iniciativas governamentais de auxílio à população afetada, o que inclui acomodação dos desabrigados em abrigos (shelters) e a garantia dada pelo Ministro da Integração Nacional, Gilberto Occhi, de que as famílias que vivem em áreas de risco serão incluídas no programa federal de construção de casas populares e que receberão novas casas em outras áreas (7o parágrafo: National Integration Minister Gilberto Occhi, [...] assured that families living in risk areas will be included in the federal government's popular housing program to receive new homes in different areas.).

QUESTÃO 46: Resposta E
 A escolha da alternativa correta requer compreensão geral do texto, pois apenas uma das afirmações está correta e a verificação se dá com a leitura e compreensão do texto todo. A única afirmação correta é a (V), confirmada pelo 2o parágrafo, no qual se afirma que as barreiras maciças de concreto ao longo da costa causarão danos à ecologia marinha e ao cenário, prejudicarão a atividade pesqueira, e na verdade pouco farão para proteger os residentes (das áreas costeiras) que devem na verdade ser removidos para locais mais  altos (Opponents of the 820 billion yen ($6.8 billion) plan argue that the massive concrete barriers will damage marine ecology and scenery, hinder vital fisheries and actually do little to protect residents who are mostly supposed to relocate to higher ground.).

QUESTÃO 47: Resposta A
 A resposta se encontra no 6o parágrafo do texto, no trecho: The safest thing is for people to live on higher ground and for people’s homes and their workplaces to be in separate locations. If we do that, we don’t need to have a ‘Great Wall,’ he (Igushi) said.

QUESTÃO 48: Resposta C
A alternativa C apresenta as formas e os tempos verbais adequados ao contexto e às regras de uso para completar o texto corretamente.

QUESTÃO 49: Resposta A
A alternativa A apresenta a correlação correta entre as orações (principal e subordinada condicional) segundo as regras de uso dos tempos verbais nesse tipo de período e com adequação ao contexto.

QUESTÃO 50: Resposta E

No cartum, vemos a personagem verificando vários dados relativos à sua pressão arterial, temperatura e respiração – sinais vitais, em seu relógio. A ironia é que o relógio não é capaz de alertá-lo sobre coisas mais corriqueiras, como o aniversário de alguém próximo.
terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2015

 Voz Ativa:
A dictionary    explains   the meaning of the words.  
 Voz Passiva:
 The meaning of the words are explained by a dictionary.
Voz Ativa:
Your mother caused the trouble.
Voz Passiva
The trouble was caused by your mother.

 Voz Ativa:
Your mother caused the trouble.
Voz Passiva
The trouble was caused by your mother.
                        to be past        participle
   Voz Ativa
   The girl   is taking    the dog.
  Voz Pasiva
   The dog is being taken by the girl.
Voz Ativa
  The energy crisis has presented many challenges.
  Voz Passiva
  Many challenges have been presented by the energy crisis.

Quando o agente não é mencionado

Voz Ativa:
ÒSomeone will publish the report.

Voz Passiva:
ÒThe report will be published   by someone.

Voz Ativa:
People must buy food .

Voz Passiva:
Food must be bought by people.

Objeto direto e indireto

Voz Ativa:
Someone bought the lady some flowers.

Voz Passiva:
The lady was bought  some flowers.

Quando o sujeito é negativo

No one  /  Nobody  / Nothing

Voz Ativa:
No one will recover the money.

Voz Passiva:
The money won’t be recovered.

Correção das atividades de Revisão

1 – Read the text. Underline  8 sentences in the Passive Voice.

Britain’s Roman Villas

 Villas were homes. In their kitchens
bread was baked.  Along their corridors echoed family conversations. They were well built and handsomely decorated. The first villa was built around A.D. 80-90. It was a small farm. Later on the house was extended, kitchens and baths were added.
It is known that many villas were destroyed by fire. Their ruins remain hidden for years and it is often by accident that the site is discovered.

                                                                                                                                             (From “Mosaica”)

Ex.: A dictionary/ explains/  the meaning of the words
The meaning of the words/ is explained/ by the dictionary
a) Bob wrote a letter
A letter was written by Bob.
b) They make shoes in that factory
Shoes are made in that factory
c) People must not leave bikes in the driveway
Bikes must not be left in the driveway
d) They give a gift to Krystle
Krystle was given a gift.
e) Bob writes letters.
Letters are written by Bob.
f) The energy crises has presented the biggest challenges.
The biggest challenges have been presented by the energy crises
g)Your mother caused the problem
The trouble was caused by your mother.
h) Someone has told us the truth
We have been told the truth.
i) They feed the animals twice a day
The animals are fed twice a day.
j) The frost may kill the flowers.
The flowers might be killed by the frost
k) People must show the tourists the right direction
The tourists must be shown the right direction.

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